Mainly we have five payment status could be assigned to journal lines (None, Sent, Received, Approved, and Rejected), this represents the status of the payment with the bank, the available status are:-

None: the status of the line at the start of the process.
Sent: select when the payment or check is generated.
Received: select when the bank informs you that it has received a file, if the bank has agreed to inform you about this.
Approved: select when the payment is approved.
Rejected: select when the payment is rejected.
The payment status control is defied on Method of payment in the following path Accounts payable| Payment setup| Method of Payment:

Payment status sequence is based on the above description, it begins by none then move to sent here it could be go to approve/reject directly or the process go to received the move to approved/reject.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

This will lead us to the method of payment control and how it works on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Normally if customer do not want to set any control here, we set None as payment status in the method of payment, this means if we set any payment status in the sequence (except rejected) the journal will be posted without any error.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

In the same way if we set the payment status control as Sent in method of payment, the system will allow posting payment journal to all status coming after sent status (except rejected) and the system will prevent post for none status.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

In course of payment transaction, the system will throw an error message indicating that “Posting results for journal batch number ###### Voucher ###### On voucher ######, status is None. Status must be Sent ”

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Also with the same concept if we set the payment status control as Received in method of payment, the system will allow posting for received and approved status but not to previous statues (none, and sent) and will prevent posting of rejected status.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

In course of payment transaction, the system will throw an error message indicating that “Posting results for journal batch number ###### Voucher ###### On voucher ######, status is Sent. Status must be Received”

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Likewise the same mechanism, if we set the payment status control as Approved in method of payment, the system will allow posting for approved status but not to previous statues and will prevent posting of rejected status.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

In course of payment transaction, the system will throw an error message indicating that “Posting results for journal batch number ###### Voucher ###### On voucher ######, status is Sent. Status must be Received”

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

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