The financial dimensions gives more deep analysis for transactions occurred on General Ledger accounts where it gives Controllership a analytical view on transaction occurred on Expenses Account for example he/she can analyze account balance according to financial dimensions assigned to Ledger Account by Business Unit, Department, and/or Purpose, the mentioned financial dimensions are standard dimensions on MS Dynamics AX 2009 it could be more than three according to Implementation needs (each dimension need licenses)

Controllership always requires control points on data entry in order to ensure the accuracy of reported information from MS Dynamics AX 2009 which generated from Dimension Statement Report using dimension focus set up , this control could be setup by two (2) ways Basic validation, and advanced one, the first is Dimension Validation on Ledger account, and the second is Dimension Hierarchy set

Today will talk about Basic Validation (Dimension Validation) it’s easy and fast set up for each ledger account, it take effect in transaction posting time, you can use it in design, testing, and early going life phase since it’s more simple in setup and maintenance, and does not cover dependencies selection of each dimension.

When posting transaction MS Dynamics AX 2009 check ledger account financial dimension validation setup, if the transaction entry validated with the dimensions setup the posting process completed, else system will give info log warning message.

The following options are available in Dimension Validation;

Optional Entry of a dimension value is optional; whether accountant select value or not
To be filled in Entry of a dimension value is mandatory; accountant must select any value if not selected the transaction will not be postedThat requires accountant to select proper value for transaction (it may leads to misleading information if the accountant is not accurate in his selection)
Table Set dimension value to be specific on ledger account and accountant could not select any other value except that value
List The accountant only can select a dimension from dimension list table
Fixed Set Fixed dimension value which is used after posting; even if the accountant select another value the posted dimension is the fixed value on the ledger setupSetup can be blank value (without selection).
Default Set default dimension value populated automatically when accountant select the ledger account, and it could be changed before posting
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