The financial dimensions gives more deep analysis for transactions occurred on General Ledger accounts where it gives Controllership an analytical view on transaction occurred on Expenses Account for example he/she can analyze account balance according to financial dimensions assigned to Ledger Account, the Financial Consultant should working on the requirements analysis, the design, and deployment of Financial dimension.
This post illustrate the main key enhancements developed in MS Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management, and to make it easier to Application Consultants who are familiar with MS Dynamics AX 2009 Dimensions I have mentioned the functions in both versions, this article mainly focus on General ledger, Financial Dimensions functionality where it is one of the most critical areas in financial management and being a core part of the implementation.
MS Dynamics AX 2009
MS Dynamics 2012
Master Data Financial dimensions are three (Business unit,
Department, and Purpose )in the standard installation, and the extra dimensions are limited to(maximum)
10 dimensions deployed through license key
The financial dimensions are unlimited and free and deployed through framework
Modules master data (vendors, customers, items, fixed assets, and banks) are not linked to dimensions, should be managed manually or by customization System defined dimensions are available to be directly linked to the sub ledger (sub module) master data
The financial dimensions are independent of the ledger accounts The financial dimensions brought more closely to the main account (ledger account), that brings the segment concept to main accounts
The financial dimensions combinations with ledger accounts
is brought by the following steps (Dimensions, mapped to Dimension set, mapped to dimension set hierarchy, and finally dimension set rules)
that lead to complex implementation/deployment/maintenance
The financial combinations with main accounts is brought by Account structure, one step interface to assigned acceptable dimensions to main accounts
Transaction Financial dimensions are assigned to ledger accounts
during transaction level separately as well
The financial dimensions are considered an extension of the main account
Dynamics Arabia